The Auburn Tomasello's


Life on the Plains...

Friday, May 7, 2010

Kickin' hiney and taking names

I have recently told Collin that he needs to start taking up for himself. We have this certain little boy in his classroom that seems to be very ugly to Collin. Well not today! This is the story Collin told me this afternoon.

'Mom! J kicked me when I was getting water and I told him to stop and he didn't. He did it again and I told him to stop again and he didn't. AND then he did it again and I told him to stop but he DIDN'T. So then I let him get water after me and then I kicked him! I replied with 'Good Collin. Way to stick up for yourself. Was it hard'? Collin yells 'Yes! Harder than boo boo's and cuts AND farther than 3 inches!'

I am not really sure what this means. All I can say is this is hte lingo of a 5 year old. I love it! So the next time you have a bully I want us to all take a lesson from Collin... invite them to the water fountain after you and then kick them harder than boo boo's and cuts AND farther than 3 inches =)

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