The Auburn Tomasello's


Life on the Plains...

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


This is my conversation with Collin before bath time...

C: Hey this bathroom is really clean. There isn't any suspects on the floor, well maybe just one small one in the corner.

M: What are suspects? (I will be perfectly honest here, I knew what he was talking about but these kind of conversation with Collin are THE best. Anyone with small children live for these kind of moments).

C: You know what they are... hey I bet you were on the news

M: Why would I be on the news?

C: B/c you clean all the suspects off the floor. The bathroom is REALLY clean. Hey, I bet you could help me clean my room!

Here is another funny that Collin said tonight:
"Today Ally made me mad because she kept tearing my house down that I was build-ing. I looked at her and said STOP DOING THAT. Then she just looked at me and didn't say anything so I asked her HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU THAT? Then she walked away. She never has anything else to say when I yell that at her'!

Another funny like Collin started using is 'If they don't stop beedin' mean to me, things are gonna get ugly!

Like I said earlier, these conversations with Collin are the best and I just had to share!

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