The Auburn Tomasello's


Life on the Plains...

Saturday, May 28, 2011


Ava is G-R-O-S-S. Plain and simple. She does things like licks her foot and says 'mmmm, Mom-Mom'. She also eats lotion, soap and anything else I seem to question as being disgusting. Fortunately for me, she was given a bath RIGHT before I put her in the car. Now if she would have been licking her foot prior to the bath after hanging out at the lake all day, then houston we would have a problem!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


This is my conversation with Collin before bath time...

C: Hey this bathroom is really clean. There isn't any suspects on the floor, well maybe just one small one in the corner.

M: What are suspects? (I will be perfectly honest here, I knew what he was talking about but these kind of conversation with Collin are THE best. Anyone with small children live for these kind of moments).

C: You know what they are... hey I bet you were on the news

M: Why would I be on the news?

C: B/c you clean all the suspects off the floor. The bathroom is REALLY clean. Hey, I bet you could help me clean my room!

Here is another funny that Collin said tonight:
"Today Ally made me mad because she kept tearing my house down that I was build-ing. I looked at her and said STOP DOING THAT. Then she just looked at me and didn't say anything so I asked her HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU THAT? Then she walked away. She never has anything else to say when I yell that at her'!

Another funny like Collin started using is 'If they don't stop beedin' mean to me, things are gonna get ugly!

Like I said earlier, these conversations with Collin are the best and I just had to share!